
I cant find where my full deck solitaire got loaded
I cant find where my full deck solitaire got loaded

i cant find where my full deck solitaire got loaded

it doesn't break very easily when it is yanked all the way, even by wind, even by a clumsy hulk, because that is it's designed function.īut mister smarty man has redesigned the storm door to be "superior" to it's sturdier predecessor, and here we are in blog world commiserating. The wind chain/crash spring costs $3 and takes five minutes to install. i found this blog because i was looking online for a door company that has actual storm doors with actual wind chains and actual screens that if (*when!*) they rip, can be easily repaired! they actually had an option "if you are calling about a wind chain on your door, press 3." which led to all sorts of explaining by the automated robot person how "their research has shown that if a gust of wind will engage a wind chain, it will do more damage anyway, blah blah blah baloney" i was to say the least, very impressed! by their mental gymnastics and creative writing.Īnd they're all going in this direction, and it is just awful.


you can't install a wind chain on the doors now! first time i saw this i was baffled and called the company. Somebody, probably an astrophysicist, has recently invented an AMAZING new line of silliness, a roll up screen! it makes things so slick. and if they are so strong that a silly person (which is even worse than the wind.) can't overextend them, then they are going to be too hard for aunt Edna to open! so the closers will never keep this from happening. the closers are not made to stop the door, they are made to sloow the door. also, people push them too far open! same thing happens.

i cant find where my full deck solitaire got loaded

the closer bracket will bend and possibly rip part of your partially rotten door jamb off. bending it to oblivion, the door will smash into something. aaaaand if it's windy, and you open the door, the door will overextend and ruin the closer strut. It doesn't matter if there are two, three, or eleven closers on that door, as one fellow here explained so eloquently, you might OPEN the door! it might be windy. Of course it would've been better had the door been installed in such a way that it would stay closed! They've used aluminum where they should have used steel, and there's no component that catches the door before it swings beyond the extension of the closer. The upshot is, these screen doors aren't quality products. When I asked to speak to a supervisor, I was met with resistence and ultimately promised a call back which never happened. I said that that was indication of inferior parts, which they should cover basically they're trying to charge me $22 for replacement parts that are only going to bend again. When I called the company to use the warranty, I was told that that is wind damage and they don't cover it.that they were getting a lot of calls about "wind damage" and they would not cover the damage. The bracket and pin that held the closer to the door were also bent. The door closer (the small metal tube that slides out of the larger tube when the door opens) was actually bent and couldn't shut. Then a couple weeks ago on a blustery spring Sunday I came home to find the door swung fully (180 degrees) wide. After the company installed it, the door rarely shut tight unless I pushed it in, but overall I was very pleased. The door was made by Emco, an Andersen subsidiary, and was one of the new kinds that allows you to slide one of the glass panes over the other as it unfurls a screen.

i cant find where my full deck solitaire got loaded i cant find where my full deck solitaire got loaded

Last fall I bought a new screen door at Home Depot for several hundred dollars.

I cant find where my full deck solitaire got loaded